Friday, August 9, 2019

Americans In Their Millions Are Quite Unlike Trump!

Americans In Their Millions Are Quite Unlike Trump

Written by Paul I. Adujie Esq.

Donald J. Trump is a bully on the playground. He will soon leave or be removed from the playground, just so that a majority of the kids, good and excellent kids can come into the playground, and play!

Donald J. Trump has aggressively, deliberately, and wittingly chosen not to be a symbol of unity of American citizens, but, instead, a notorious racist-in-chief, who uses the bully pulpit to intimidate!

Donald J. Trump is an aberration in the American presidency, and his tumultuously volatile time in the hallowed halls of the White House, the seat of the presidency will pass, and not a moment too soon!

On CNN, Tim Ryan, a decent man, and Congressman from Youngstown Ohio, told of how his wife, is proud of his rejection of the National Rifle Association's political and monetary support, and so, as far as the NRA ratings are concerned, he, Tim Ryan, has suddenly fallen from an A-grade rating to an F-grade rating! Nobody likes an F-grade, but, Tim Ryan said, "My wife is happy that I went from an A to F NRA rating and I will love to keep it that way!"

Congressman Tim Ryan, made these revelations on CNN in the midst of two recent mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas respectively.

I was in Dayton, Ohio briefly in the early 1990s. It is a beautiful, lush green and pristine city, it housed IBM and NCR, and an American Air Force Base. Dayton was a beautiful city where neighbors crossed from one courtyard to the next during holidays, particularly, on the Fourth of July barbecues!

The thought of a mass-shooter was unthinkably out of this world, and assuredly not in Dayton, Ohio for a million years, but, that is exactly what happened last weekend!

Americans do not need weapons of war in the streets of cosmopolitan America! As a member of the few and the proud, it is okay to have an M-16 as a best friend, and have 100 or 250 bullets magazines. But, when I am heading to WalMart , COSTCO , Home Depot or IKEA, I should not be thinking of battle materiel and whizzing bullets.

Americans are way too resourced and they are way past a hunter and gatherer primitive culture ! Why should we continue to be obsessed with guns and be fixated on a 500 year old militia argument wrapped in the Second Amendment?

American voters should let Donald J. Trump know that he has passed his due date and that he has overstayed his welcome in the presidency!

Trump has fanned the embers of racism and White Supremacy. White Nationalists and White Extremists have increased in their numbers, violent extremism has blossomed and even though there were always these pockets of evil present in American society, Donald J. Trump has given these evils podiums, pedestals and a megaphone based in the hallowed halls of the White House and the Rose Garden!

Previous American presidents of America, outwardly at least, offered moral leadership against evils, particularly, at times of national crises in America. But, in the past 30 months, Donald J. Trump is, has been and remains unable to offer moral leadership. Giving hate a safe harbor appears ingrained and in the DNA of Donald J. Trump.

Donald J. Trump, in a mere 30 months has managed to have exalted evils; the worst evils of racism, White Supremacy and White Extremism. He is an outlier, and an aberration. America will outlast Donald Trump and his acolytes.

Trump has prodigiously dismantled multilateralism, and replaced it with arbitrary unilateralism ! He withdrew from JCPOA, withdrew from NAFTA and TPP. He has rattled Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May, Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, Canada's PM, Kelvin Trudeau, and he has repeatedly badmouthed NATO and all traditional allies of America.

Conversely, Donald J. Trump impulsively gravitates towards dictators, autocrats, oligarchs and every undemocratic political class in Saudi Arabia, Russia, all of the Near East and Asia.

Donald J. Trump is at the cusp of inflicting a global economic meltdown with his erratically petulant trade policies between America and China, and many other nations. American citizens will suffer and so will American consumers, farmers and businesses .

Donald J. Trump has upturned the apple-cart of the Global world order, in trade, migration, global warming policies, military-defense partnerships and alliance, including sundry or varied strategic rapprochements.

Trump's is an encapsulated ill-wind that blows no one any good ! He is an embodiment of a fiercely blowing Hurricane Force wind of extreme evil with presidential imprimatur ! Trump's political antics are driven purely by his narcissistic nature and worldview, in which, every evil, every immorality he indulges in, is measured solely by his expected political profits by way of elections outcomes which may favor him.

Trump, en-route to El Paso from Dayton, ostensibly in visits to commiserate with both cities over mass-shootings of several days ago, found time to tweet political jabs at former VP Joe Biden and spit inanities about how China would be happy if Biden is elected president of the United States of America

It is truly the case that, despite Donald J. Trump, and regardless of Trump, a majority of Americans are indisputably good people, for any American who would hurt anyone, there are millions of Americans willing to help, and for every individual like Trump or the mass-shooters in Dayton and El Paso, there are a million great Americans who would never hurt a fly!

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