Friday, June 19, 2009

Iran Televised Revolution Postponed

Iran Televised Revolution Postponed
Written by Paul I. Adujie
New York, United States

Human behavior is too often illogical and this is extraordinarily so, in international politics.

Recent post elections uproar in Iran witnessed internal and external manipulations. I wholeheartedly supported and still support Iranians who seek a better society and a better country.

However, I will be remiss if I fail to mention the outside hand and outside influence that was so palpable in the entire process. I take the view that the election outcome in Iran, which Iranians want, should engender our support, and election results that suit Lebanon, should be the one we all support. Election results should never be the dictates of what outside powers demand and prefer, over and above the desires of the local electorates. Why I would I want a puppet in Iran that can be manipulated by people outside of Iran?

I believe in democracy, freedom and liberty without pre-conditions. And this is best for all countries, not just Iran. We are entitled to have the same or similar expectations of every country, and in particular, countries in the Middle East or so-called Arab World. Those who pretend otherwise are doing so, for purposes other than in the best interest of the peoples of the countries in question. There is no democracy of any description in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Brunei, Egypt etc Why then is this fixations on Iran?

It does appear as if the focus on Iran is motivated other than by the recent elections. Iran’s nuclear ambitions is written all over the spate of criticisms from the outside.

Why are we in the United States not showing similar concerns for democracy, freedom and liberty in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Egypt etc where there are NO elections at all and none scheduled

Countries where women are still treated like furniture and things? Where women are not allowed to drive.

The current fixation on Iran is informed, not by Iran and Iranians’ best interests, but, rather, an agenda which is driven by the interests of others and outsiders! And why was there this predominance and prevalence of protest signs written in English? Could this be an indication that there is some outsourcing and external engineering, orchestration and choreography in what the world just witnessed in Iran? Why so many posters in English? Whatever happened to Farsi and Arabic? Who were the Iranians talking to? Oh, the international community? I thought this was an internal issues for Iranians?

Why are some showering this disproportionate attention on Iran? If democracy is so good for Iran, it is equally good and desirable in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Brunei, Egypt etc

History is my witness, expediency, as substitute for a sound and fair foreign policy does not work, it is fraught with chickens coming home to roost, as we see in the short sightedness of arming Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the1980s and funding and propping Saddam as proxy warrior against Iran (Iraq versus Iraq war) millions dead and maimed, and Saddam became expendable! No condition is permanent, Saddam.

A consistent foreign policy will actually engender respect for American preachments of ideals of democracy, freedom and liberty etc ; Whereas, a policy which is selective in its application, a haphazard application based on expediency, is hollow and open to ridicule…disdain and is seen for what it is, hypocrisy.

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